Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple descriptive or expressive modelled language and gestures, to participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are, offering wishes and talking about events in the day and over the year, for example, Lundi, je mange une pomme; Mon anniversaire, c’est le trente mars; Bonne fête, Hafiz !; Joyeux Noël !; Aujourd’hui, il fait beau
Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple descriptive or expressive modelled language and gestures, to participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are, offering wishes and talking about events in the day and over the year, for example, Lundi, je mange une pomme; Mon anniversaire, c’est le trente mars; Bonne fête, Hafiz !; Joyeux Noël !; Aujourd’hui, il fait beau