Systems of language
Recognise individual elements of spoken and written words, phrases and non-verbal forms of expression and notice how they reinforce spoken language, for example, hand gestures to express C’est nul; Ça suffit !; Quoi encore; or sounds and facial expressions such as Oh là là !; Aïe !; T’as fait quoi ?
Extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:
- using reflexive verbs in le présent
- increasing control of the conjugation of regular verbs in le présent and of high-frequency irregular verbs such as avoir, être, faire, devoir, vouloir, savoir, aller
- extending use of l’impératif and le futur proche
- using le passé composé and becoming familiar with l’imparfait when encountered in familiar expressions and scaffolded language contexts, for example, Il était une fois…; C’était…;Je suis allé au cinéma. C'était amusant
- extending use of interrogative questions using Est-ce que… ? and with inverted form of the verb or changed intonation, for example, Est-ce que tu joues de la guitare ?; Joues-tu de la guitare ?; Tu joues de la guitare ?
- extending knowledge of negative constructions such as ne…plus, ne…rien, ne…jamais, ne…que…
- using comparatives such as plus…que, moins…que, aussi…que + adjective, for example, J’aime le français plus que les maths car c’est plus intéressant
Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources
Understand the structures, conventions and purpose associated with a range of texts created for information exchange or social interaction