Increase control of context-related vocabulary and extend knowledge of grammatical elements, including:
- understanding the function of verb tenses to situate events in time, for example, Ils vont partir demain matin; Je suis allée en France quand j’avais six ans and to express intention or desire, for example, Je voudrais bien aller à Tunis avec toi l’année prochaine !
- recognising variations in conjugation for verbs such as nettoyer, envoyer, essayer, appeler, acheter, manger, for example, nous mangeons, j’essaie
- consolidating the use of le passé composé, using verbs conjugated with être as the auxiliary that involve agreement between subject and past participle, for example, Elles sont parties hier matin
- using l’imparfait to distinguish between a completed and a continuing action in the past, for example, Nous étions déjà au lit quand Papa a téléphoné
- understanding the function of the reflexive pronoun and practising using the reflexive verb structure, for example, Je me suis levée à sept heures; Je me suis entraînée…
- understanding the function and use of relative pronouns such as qui, que, dont
Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions
Increase control of context-related vocabulary and extend knowledge of grammatical elements, including:
- understanding the function of verb tenses to situate events in time, for example, Ils vont partir demain matin; Je suis allée en France quand j’avais six ans and to express intention or desire, for example, Je voudrais bien aller à Tunis avec toi l’année prochaine !
- recognising variations in conjugation for verbs such as nettoyer, envoyer, essayer, appeler, acheter, manger, for example, nous mangeons, j’essaie
- consolidating the use of le passé composé, using verbs conjugated with être as the auxiliary that involve agreement between subject and past participle, for example, Elles sont parties hier matin
- using l’imparfait to distinguish between a completed and a continuing action in the past, for example, Nous étions déjà au lit quand Papa a téléphoné
- understanding the function of the reflexive pronoun and practising using the reflexive verb structure, for example, Je me suis levée à sept heures; Je me suis entraînée…
- understanding the function and use of relative pronouns such as qui, que, dont
Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions