Recognise and use key features of the German sound system, including rhythm, stress, intonation and pronunciation of distinctive sounds, such as those represented by the letters ch (ich or acht), r (rot), th (Theater, Thema), u (du) and z (zehn); consonant blends and clusters, such as sch; short and long vowel sounds and diphthongs, such as au, ei, eu and ie; the impact of the Umlaut (Ü) on a, o and u; and the Eszett (ß)
Use the German alphabet for spelling out names and other words
Begin to apply punctuation rules in German, such as capital letters, full stops and question marks
Recognise and use key features of the German sound system, including rhythm, stress, intonation and pronunciation of distinctive sounds, such as those represented by the letters ch (ich or acht), r (rot), th (Theater, Thema), u (du) and z (zehn); consonant blends and clusters, such as sch; short and long vowel sounds and diphthongs, such as au, ei, eu and ie; the impact of the Umlaut (Ü) on a, o and u; and the Eszett (ß)
Use the German alphabet for spelling out names and other words
Begin to apply punctuation rules in German, such as capital letters, full stops and question marks