Systems of language

Explore the German pronunciation of loan words from English and other languages, for example, Job, Restaurant, Pizza

Compare punctuation rules in English and German, considering aspects such as the distribution and functions of commas, the style of quotation marks for direct speech and the writing of numbers less than one million as one word

Extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:

  • noticing the relationship between gender, article and case and the adjectival ending when describing people, objects, places and events, for example, Mein bester Freund hat lange, schwarze Haare und trägt einen kleinen Ohrring; Es gibt hier keinen Sportplatz
  • selecting and using the appropriate form of ‘you’ (du, ihr, Sie) and its possessive adjective equivalents (dein, euer, Ihr) according to the audience, for example, Sind Sie Frau Wagner?; Hast du dein Geld mit?; Ihr seid pünktlich
  • selecting the correct personal pronoun for ‘it’ (er/sie/es; ihn) for objects, for example, Woher hast du den Hut? Er ist sehr schön; Ich habe ihn bei … gekauft
  • describing past events and experiences with the present perfect tense using a limited range of common verbs, for example, Am Sonntag habe ich meine Hausaufgaben gemacht
  • understanding and applying the ‘verb as second element’ (Wir kommen morgen or Morgen kommen wir) and
    ‘subject-time-object-manner-place’ (STOMP) word order rules for main clauses (Ich spiele jetzt Basketball) and realising that German word order is flexible, allowing other elements apart from the subject to begin the sentence, for example, Langsam verstehe ich mehr Deutsch. Zu Hause ist es oft sehr laut
  • linking and sequencing events and ideas using common conjunctions (dass, ob, wenn, weil), usually with the subordinate clause after the main clause
  • describing destinations using prepositions, for example, Wir fahren nach Adelaide. Der Junge geht zum Bahnhof. Sie sind in die Stadt gefahren
  • recognising some ‘two-way’ prepositions (Wechselpräpositionen), for example, Die Flasche ist auf dem Tisch; Stellt die Flasche auf den Tisch
  • referring to quantities of people and things using cardinal numbers up to a billion, for example, Deutschland hat 81,9 Millionen Einwohner

Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources

Understand the structures, conventions and purpose associated with a range of texts created for information exchange or social interaction