Systems of language

Recognise the ways in which written language is different from spoken language such as being more crafted, elaborated and complex, with use of interrelated clauses and support details

Recognise and respond to challenges associated with clarity and pace in audio texts such as railway station announcements or recorded phone messages and variations or differences in pronunciation to ensure clarity, for example, zwei/zwo; Juli (pronounced as Julei)

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and extend grammatical knowledge of grammatical elements, including:

  • recognising when to use appropriate tense (present, present perfect, simple past, future) with a range of regular and irregular verbs, including, common reflexive verbs, transitive and intransitive verbs, modal verbs and verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes
  • using the different imperative forms of verbs for peers and adults, for example, SpielSpielt/Spielen Sie mit! Sei/Seid/Seien Sie willkommen!
  • connecting and contrasting ideas, events and actions using a variety of conjunctions and cohesive devices, including embedded clauses such as relative clauses and noticing the word order, for example, Um Geld zu haben, muss man einen Job finden; Entweder werde ich Klempner oder Elektriker. Der Film, den du sehen willst, läuft jetzt im Kino
  • noticing and experimenting with compound forms such as common da- and
    wo(r) -
    constructions, for example, Was machst du damit?; Woran erinnerst du dich?
  • linking and sequencing events and ideas using a range of cohesive devices, including adverbs (danach, vorher, dann, früher) and common conjunctions (als, dass, obwohl, wenn, weil), usually with the subordinate clause after the main clause
  • understanding and using the accusative, dative and ‘two-way’ prepositions accurately with regard to case and meaning, including a limited range of common idiomatic prepositional phrases, for example, Meine Eltern sind mit 21 aus Deutschland ausgewandert; Sie denken oft an ihre Kindheit
  • modifying meaning through the use of adverbs and adverbial phrases, for example, Das haben sie schon gemacht; Lauft so schnell wie möglich zum Supermarkt!

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions

Examine the interrelationship between different text types, language choices, audience, context and purpose