Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and recognising some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • identifying people using singular subject pronouns; for example, तुम; आप; मैं; वह
  • recognising gender usage in nouns; for example, मुर्गा; मुर्गी; बकरा; बकरी
  • recognising and using the nouns for common objects around them; for example, मेज़; कुर्सी; पुस्तक
  • showing understanding by responding to directions; for example, बैठ जाओ; पानी पियो
  • using numbers while referring to objects; for example, एक बिल्ली; दो फूल
  • developing number knowledge for one to ten


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and recognising some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • identifying people using singular subject pronouns; for example, तुम; आप; मैं; वह
  • recognising gender usage in nouns; for example, मुर्गा; मुर्गी; बकरा; बकरी
  • recognising and using the nouns for common objects around them; for example, मेज़; कुर्सी; पुस्तक
  • showing understanding by responding to directions; for example, बैठ जाओ; पानी पियो
  • using numbers while referring to objects; for example, एक बिल्ली; दो फूल
  • developing number knowledge for one to ten