Systems of language
Understand how vowels are pronounced without obstructing the flow of air from the mouth, while consonants are pronounced by obstructing different parts of the mouth
Recognise and reproduce the sound of the 13 vowels and the 36 consonants of Hindi
Build phonic awareness, focusing on difficult sounds, for example ख,घ,त,थ,द,ध भ,ढ,ण,ञ, and learn to pronounce them accurately, and to understand that v and w are both pronounced as व
Recognise that Hindi is written horizontally from left to right using the Devanagari script, letters are joined by a line on top to form a word, and like in English, there are spaces between words
Recognise that Hindi is written horizontally from left to right using the Devanagari script, letters are joined by a line on top to form a word, and like in English, there are spaces between words
Begin to write the letters of Hindi and join two letters with the line on top to form simple words; for example, चल; घर; टब
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:
- identifying people using singular and plural subject pronouns; for example, तुम्हारा; आपका; हमारा; उनका
- extending the understanding of gender to objects; for example, बड़ा सेब; बड़ी गाजर; पतली सूई; मोटा धागा
- recognising and using simple adjectives to describe things; for example, ठंडा पानी; सुंदर फूल; ऊंचा पेड़; छोटी चिड़िया
- beginning to use simple sentence structure; for example, यह मेरा बस्ता है
- expressing negation by using words such as ना; नहीं; मत
- showing understanding of location and position; for example, यहां आओ; वहाँ रखो; इधर देखो; दायें; बाएं
- beginning to locate events in time by using the months of the year and the seasons; for example, जनवरी, फ़रवरी, सर्दी गर्मी
- developing number knowledge for 11 to 20
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and that different types of texts have different features