Systems of language
Recognise that matras are another form of the long and short vowels
Reproduce the sound of the vowels with consonants; for example, का, कि; की; कु; कू; के; कै; को; कौ; कं
Recognise and reproduce pronunciation conventions, making connections between Hindi and English sounds including blends; for example,
च (ch); श (sh); थ (th)
Recognise the placement of Hindi letters below the line, in contrast to English letters written on the lines
Begin writing Hindi words, joining letters with the line on top
Begin to spell simple, high-frequency words using matras; for example, घास; मोटर; केला
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:
- using words to ask questions; for example, कौन आया है?; तुम कहाँ रहते हो?; पंकज भैया कब आएंगे?; दीदी स्कूल कैसे जाती हैं?
- understanding the use of past, present and future tense to write simple sentences; for example, आज तुम जलेबी खाओ; कल मैं लड्डू खाऊँगा
- observing the relationship between gender and verb endings; for example, लड़का लिखता है; लड़की लिखती है; हम लिखते हैं
- using singular and plural masculine and feminine forms of nouns; for example, घोड़ा; घोड़ी, घोड़े; घोड़ियाँ; लीची; लीचियाँ
- beginning to describe quantity using cardinal numbers; for example, तीन कुर्सियाँ; बीस पेड़
- locating events in time by using the days of the week
- developing number knowledge for 21 to 31
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose