
Systems of language

Understand that Hindi has no silent letters

Understand the formation of conjunct consonants; for example, क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ

Develop a bank of words beginning with each letter; for example, खरगोश; खाना; खरबूज़ा; टमाटर; टोपी; टेढ़ा

Recognise how Hindi words are pronounced with a nasal sound when written with a bindu (ं), for example, नहीं; बंदर, or chandrabindu (ँ), for example, माँ; कहाँ

Understand the use of the underdotted characters (◌̣) क़ ज़ फ़ ग़ ख़ in words loaned from other languages


Begin to write sentences using four or five words and a full stop; for example, वीना बाज़ार जा रही है।


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • describing quantity using cardinal numbers; for example, दो बकरियाँ; बारह पक्षी
  • noticing that every object has a gender; for example, बड़ा पेड़ गिर गया।; उसकी डाल टूट गई।
  • using additional possessive adjectives to show ownership; for example, मेरा दोस्त; उसकी सहेली; हमारा घर; मेरा प्रिय खेल
  • understanding that Hindi punctuation is the same as in English, except for the full stop, which is written as a vertical line (I)
  • developing number knowledge for 31 to 40

Begin to develop a metalanguage in Hindi for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English


Recognise the particular language features and textual conventions in simple and familiar spoken, written and multimodal Hindi texts


Language variation and change

Understand and demonstrate how language use varies according to the participants’ age, gender and relationship and the context of use


Role of language and culture

Notice differences between Indian, Australian and other cultures’ practices and how these are reflected in language