

Interact with teacher and peers orally and in writing to exchange information about aspects of their personal worlds, including their daily routines at home and school and their interests; for example,
मैं स्कूल ७ बजे जाता हूँ।; शनिवार को मैं ओडिसी नृत्य सीखती हूँ।; रविवार को हम सब फिल्म देखने जाते हैं।; मैं ६ बजे उठकर योग करती हूँ।; स्कूल से आने के बाद मैं संगीत सुनती हूँ।; मैं अभी स्कूल जा रहा हूँ, पर शाम को मैं क्रिकेट खेलने स्टेडियम जाऊँगा।


Participate in individual and collaborative tasks that involve asking for help, clarification and permission, solving problems and sharing decisions while creating a display or conducting a role play or scenario, science experiment, cooking or craft activity; for example, क्या मैं पुस्तक ले लूँ?; तुम्हारे स्कूल में खेलदिवस कब है?; उदिता क्या तुम घर के बाहर सुन्दर रंगोली बना सकती हो? अकबर और बीरबल का नाटक ठीक-ठाक हो गया; सबसे पहले कढ़ाही में तेल डालना है।



Locate and process factual information in a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds


Gather and convey factual information, simple statements and short descriptions from familiar texts related to their personal and social worlds



Participate in and respond to imaginative texts, discussing messages and using modelled language to make statements about characters or themes


Create and perform short imaginative texts that allow for exploration and enjoyment of language, cultural expression and performance, using familiar expressions, simple statements and modelled language; for example, भाई की कलाई पर राखी बांधना



Translate words, phrases and expressions in simple texts, for example भुक्कड़ इल्ली The Very Hungry Caterpillar or the Hindi translation of The Gruffalo, to compare meanings and share understandings about aspects of language and culture that are different from English

Use visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate simple familiar texts



Notice and describe how language reflects cultural practices and norms, including non-verbal gestures; for example, shaking one’s head to indicate yes or no; touching the feet of elders to seek their blessings; suffixing the names of people with जी to show respect