
Systems of language

Recognise how loan English words are pronounced differently and are written using the Devanagari script; for example, अस्पताल, गिलास, बोतल, कप्तान, तकनीकी

Understand how the र sound can be written differently in different words; for example, वर्ष; प्रवीण; गृह


Continue to develop a bank of words related to the focus topic and practice writing them using different sentence structures


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • distinguishing between intonation patterns of statements, questions and exclamations
  • distinguishing between questions and requests; for example, क्या मैं घर जा सकती हूँ?; कृपया मुझे घर जाने दीजिए।
  • using different verb tenses such as past, present and future to demonstrate how actions completed at a particular time are described; for example,
    मैं कल स्कूल गया था।; मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ।; मैं स्कूल जा रहा हूँ।; मैं कल स्कूल जाऊँगा।
  • using conjunctions to connect different parts of a sentence; for example, उसने खाना खाया और पढ़ने बैठ गई
  • developing knowledge for 81 to 100, one thousand (हज़ार), hundred thousand (लाख) and one million (करोड़) and reading numbers like 1947 as उन्नीस सौ सैंतालीस।

Build a metalanguage in Hindi to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures


Understand how Hindi texts use language in ways that create different effects and suit different audiences


Language variation and change

Understand and use Hindi language correctly in different contexts and situations


Recognise the dynamic nature of languages and cultures, and the changing and influential relationships that exist between languages


Role of language and culture

Understand that the Hindi language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to the impact of new technologies and knowledge

Understand that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication