
Systems of language

Use the features of the Hindi sound system, with its vowels and consonants, and build phonic awareness while focusing on difficult sounds; for example, ग, घ, ट, त, द, ध, भ

Consolidate the use of all the matras, linking them to long and short vowels

Show understanding of how conjunct consonants क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ, ऋ are formed and pronounce them accurately

Distinguish the use of bindu (ं) and chandrabindu (ँ) to pronounce Hindi letters with a nasal quality

Recognise and correctly pronounce the under-dotted characters क़, ख़, ग़, ज़, फ़

Recognise that Hindi is written from left to right, using the Devanagari script, with the letters being joined on top by a line to form a word, and, like in English, there are spaces between words


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • describing nouns using adjectives and changing their form with a change in gender; for example, छोटा चूहा; छोटी गिलहरी; बड़ा शेर, बड़ी मछली
  • demonstrating the use of suitable pronouns for singular and plural nouns; for example, वह लड़का; वे लोग; मेरा भाई; हमारी बहन
  • using a range of tenses to describe routines and actions; for example, मैं आम खा रहा हूँ; मैं आम खाता हूँ; मैंने आम खाया था; मैं आम खाऊँगा।
  • using verbs in their negative forms; for example, मैं कभी कैनबरा नहीं गई।; ज़्यादा मिठाई मत खाना।
  • using prepositions to describe positions; for example, सीढ़ी के नीचे; छत के ऊपर; अलमारी के पीछे
  • creating different types of sentences – statements, interrogatives and exclamations; for example, उसकी कहानी लंबी है; क्या उसकी कहानी लंबी है?; इतनी लंबी कहानी!
  • using cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers; for example, पाँच पुस्तकें, दस छाते, पहला, दूसरा, दसवां

Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources


Understand the structures, conventions and purpose associated with a range of texts created for information exchange or social interaction; for example, the language used in an email to a cousin, compared to an Independence Day speech


Language variation and change

Explore how elements of communication, such as gestures, facial expressions and choice of language, vary according to context and situation


Reflect on changes in their own use of Hindi over time, noticing how and when new ways are adopted, or existing ways adapted


Role of language and culture

Understand that language use reflects cultural expression, assumptions and perspectives