Systems of language

Continue to build on knowledge of the features of the Hindi sound system, with its vowels and consonants, and build phonic awareness while focusing on difficult sounds and consonants

Continue to distinguish the use of bindu and chandrabindu to pronounce Hindi letters with a nasal quality

Recognise and correctly pronounce the underdotted characters as required; for example, खज़ाना, फ़ाइनल

Distinguish loan words from other languages; for example, Persian (ज़मीन, सफ़ेद, शायद) and English (संतरी, अफ़सर, साइकिल)

Understand and apply the use of chandrabindu to pronounce loan words like the original English words; for example, डाक्टर/ डॉक्टर, डालर/ डॉलर

Consolidate the use of punctuation to make meaning in understanding and creating Hindi texts


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • extending the use of adjectives to describe nouns and in comparative structures; for example, राम थोड़ा लम्बा है।; पर्थ सिड्नी से अधिक गर्म है।
  • using adverbs before verbs; for example, जल्दी रोटी बनाओ।; ज़ोर से खींचो।; प्यार से बोलो।
  • understanding prepositions of time; for example, रात को; दोपहर में, साढ़े चार बजे
  • identifying the use of prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning and form of a base word; for example, ज्ञान, ज्ञानी, अज्ञानी, ज्ञानपीठ, विज्ञान
  • expanding vocabulary by learning antonyms (विलोम); for example, मान, अपमान; स्वर्ग, नर्क
  • understanding the use of active and passive voice according to the context; for example, मैंने गाय को चारा खिलाया है; गाय को चारा खिलाया गया है।
  • creating compound and complex sentences by using conjunctions; for example, मैं अभी लिखूँगा ताकि समय पूरा होने से पहले लेख समाप्त कर लूँ।
  • recognising and using idiomatic expressions; for example, कोल्हू का बैल; कुत्ते की पूंछ
  • using numbers in fraction, multiple and collective form, such as आधा, चौथाई, एक तिहाई, सैंकड़ों, हज़ारों, तीन गुणा

Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources


Apply the structures and conventions associated with a range of text types and identify key features and functions of the different genres