
Systems of language

Understand communicative features of Indian culture, for instance, non-verbal expressions such as touching someone’s feet to seek their blessings or nodding in agreement and using incomplete sentences; for example, अगर तुमने मेरी बात नहीं मानी तो…; आज घर चलो तो सही...

Recognise that local culture influences how people are addressed; for example, in North India a stranger may address a woman as बहनजी or माताजी, while in Bengal she may be addressed as दीदी and in South India she may be called अम्मा or माँ

Apply knowledge of the features of the Hindi sound system, matras, conjunct sounds, bindu and chandrabindu and underdotted characters while pronouncing Hindi words

Apply Hindi phonic and grammar rules to spell and write unfamiliar words


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Hindi grammatical system, including:

  • consolidating the use of adjectives, including similes and metaphors, to enhance the quality of their writing; for example, चाँद सा चेहरा; फूल बिछाना
  • appreciating the cultural significance of addressing people differently depending on their age and stature; for example, माननीय राष्ट्रपति; महोदय; मान्यवर; पूज्य दादाजी; आदरणीय सभापति; प्रिय नानू
  • consolidating the use of adverbs, including the practice of repeating adverbs for emphasis; for example, ज़ोर ज़ोर से चिल्लाओ।; जल्दी जल्दी खाओ।; बार बार लिखो।
  • consolidating the use of expanding vocabulary and learning synomyms (पर्यायवाची); for example, जल, पानी, नीर; पृथ्वी, धरती, धरा
  • using proverbs to convey meaning; for example, घर की मुर्गी दाल बराबर।; जो गरजते हैं वो बरसते नहीं।
  • consolidating the use of prepositions including अंत में; आखिरकार; भारत से लौटकर
  • extending the use of conjunctions to create compound and complex sentences; for example, जब अध्यापकजी कक्षा में आए तो हम सब शांतिपूर्वक लिख रहे थे।; जब मैं बारह वर्ष का था तब मैं साइकिल से स्कूल जाता था, क्योंकि हमारे घर के पास से बस नहीं जाती थी।

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions


Examine the interrelationship between different text types, language choices, audience, context and purpose


Language variation and change

Analyse how and why language is used differently in different contexts and relationships


Explore changes to both Hindi and Australian English and identify reasons for these changes; for example, media and new technologies, popular culture and intercultural exchange


Role of language and culture

Explore how Hindi language both reflects and shapes cultural distinctions, with reference to community, social class, gender, generational norms such as showing deference and values such as patience and selflessness