Systems of language
Recognise and use the features of the Indonesian sound system, including pronunciation of single and combined sounds and the use of intonation in statements and questions, for example, wah and aduh, noticing Indonesian spelling and pronunciation conventions
Recognise that Indonesian is written using the Roman alphabet but with distinctive sounds and sound combinations, for example, a, e, i, o, u, c, r, ng, ngg, ny, au, aa, ai
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts, by recognising and using
context-related vocabulary and elements of the Indonesian grammatical system, including:
- identifying people using appropriate terms of address, such as Ibu and Bapak, pronouns, such as saya/aku, Anda/kamu, dia, mereka
- identifying people, places and things using concrete nouns, for example, pena, meja, teman, and some nouns with -an suffix, for example, makanan, minuman, undangan
- describing the characteristics and qualities of people, places and things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, buku merah, rambut panjang, guru baru and describing possession using possessive pronouns in noun-adjective phrases, for example, Bapak saya tinggi.; Ibu saya lucu.
- indicating quantity using plurals, for example, teman-teman; tiga buku; banyak buku
- referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, such as puluh, belas, ratus, ribu, and things in a sequence using ordinal numbers, for example, pertama and kedua
- greeting and farewelling, for example, Selamat …; Sampai jumpa.
- telling others to do something using imperatives, for example, Duduklah!; Diamlah!; Ayo!; Mulai!
- describing simple actions using base word, for example, tahu, suka, mau, and ber- and me- verbs
- negating using tidak, bukan and belum
- describing actor, action and object using
subject-verb-object construction, for example, Saya suka membaca buku. - referring to existence/presence, for example, ada and tidak ada
- using prepositions, such as di/ke and dari, for example, Saya pergi ke sekolah.
- locating events in time, for example, days, dates and months, such as hari Sabtu, bulan Juli and pada akhir minggu, and referring to the past and future using time indicators, such as kemarin and besok
- seeking information and assistance using interrogatives, for example, siapa, apa, bagaimana, berapa, dari mana, di mana, ke mana, apakah, kapan, permisi boleh saya …
- joining ideas using simple conjunctions, for example, dan, karena, tetapi, atau
- expressing emotion, for example, wah, aduh, asyik, sayang, hebat
- accepting or declining invitations, for example, Mau ikut?; Maaf.; Sayang saya tidak bisa.
- describing people and things using acronyms, such as SMP, SMA, HP and PR
Build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Identify and use text structures and language features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts, and compare with structures and features of similar texts in English
Language variation and change
Examine linguistic features in the texts to develop an understanding that languages vary according to elements, such as register
Understand that Indonesian, like all languages, varies according to participants, roles and relationships, situations and cultures
Recognise that Indonesian is a national language
Role of language and culture
Explore the relationship between language and culture