Maintain interactions with peers and known adults orally and in writing to exchange information and discuss aspects of home, school and social life, compare routines, interests and leisure activities, for example, Saya menonton TV setiap hari.; Saya membuang sampah di tempat sampah luar.; Saya membersihkan kamar saya tiga kali seminggu.; Kamu bangun jam berapa?; Jam berapa kamu belajar Bahasa Indonesia pada hari Senin?; Saya belajar bahasa Inggris.; Guru yang ideal pandai, rajin dan humoris.; Menurut saya, sekolah saya baik sekali, tetapi ...; Besok saya dan teman saya akan menonton film di bioskop.; Pada hari Minggu saya bermain bola net.; Saya suka olahraga tetapi adik saya tidak suka.; Grup favorit saya bernama ...; Saya suka membaca.; Saya tidak suka makan ikan, tetapi saya suka makan pasta.
Engage in individual and collaborative tasks, such as making arrangements to cater for events, celebrations or outings, for example, an excursion to an Indonesian restaurant or organising a class event
Participate in classroom routines and interactions by asking and answering questions, requesting information, expressing feelings, opinions and personal preferences and responding to others’ contributions, for example, Saya rasa …karena…; Saya kira; Saya lebih suka …daripada …; Saya setuju/tidak setuju.
Identify key information and supporting details from a range of spoken and written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and use the information in new ways
Convey information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context and audience
Respond to imaginative texts by describing and discussing aspects, such as characters, events and/or ideas
Create own or shared imaginative texts by experimenting with different modes and formats, and creating moods and effects suitable for different audiences
Translate and interpret short texts from Indonesian to English and vice versa, comparing different versions of a text and suggesting reasons for differences and mistranslations
Engage with Indonesian speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language
Reflect on own identity, including identity as a learner and user of Indonesian, through experiences or in attitudes to culture and intercultural communication