Systems of language
Understand and use the features of the Indonesian sound system, including pronunciation of single and combined sounds, raised penultimate syllable in words, for example, membosankan, berbelanja and silakan, and the use of intonation in statements and questions, for example, wah and aduh, noticing Indonesian spelling and pronunciation conventions
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts, by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Indonesian grammatical system, including:
- using concrete nouns for people, places and things, for example, teman, toko, bioskop, kolam renang, ruang kelas, taman, desa, hutan, pantai and masjid
- identifying people using some pe- nouns, for example, pemain, pedagang and penjual
- describing qualities of people, places and things, using adjectives, for example, Teman saya pe-de.; Taman ini indah.; Film itu menarik.
- describing simple actions using base word, for example, naik, tidur and ber- and me- verbs
- describing people and things using acronyms and abbreviations, for example, HP, ABG, pe-de
- negating using tidak, bukan and belum
- specifying place and location, for example, di sini, di sana, di atas and di bawah
- using the subject-verb-object construction when constructing sentences
- expressing modality, for example, bisa, harus, boleh and mau
- describing state of actions, for example, sudah, belum and pernah
- giving directions and information about place using prepositions, such as di/ke and dari, and about people using the prepositions dengan and kepada
- locating events in time, for example, days, dates and months, such as Pada akhir minggu saya bermain futbal, and referring to the past and future using time indicators, for example, sebelum, sesudah, kemarin, besok and jika kalau waktu
- seeking information using interrogatives, for example, berapa lama and jam berapa?
- expressing emotion, for example, wah, aduh, asyik, sayang and hebat
- beginning to refer to events and time using frequency markers, for example, sering, biasanya, jarang, selalu, kadang-kadang, tidak pernah, belum pernah
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Identify, analyse and use text structures and language features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts, and explain how different types of texts are structured and use particular language features to suit different contexts, purposes and audiences