Initiate and maintain interactions with others orally and in writing to discuss and compare events of significance in the lives of young people, including holidays, special events and travel, for example, Tahun ini untuk ulang tahun saya …; Anda pergi ke mana pada liburan bulan Januari? Saya sering mengunjungi nenek di Busselton karena saya sayang nenek saya.; Selama saya di Bali saya selalu makan makanan Indonesia.; Saya membeli tiga helai kain ikat Lombok di Mataram.; Bagaimana Anda merayakan Malam Tahun Baru? Kami berpesta dengan keluarga dan teman.; Kami menonton kembang api pada pukul dua belas.; Apa yang akan kamu lakukan pada hari Lebaran tahun ini?
Engage in individual and collaborative tasks, such as exchanging information, making arrangements or obtaining goods or services, for example, when travelling or in an Indonesian-speaking country, arranging an outing, purchasing souvenirs or using transport
Develop classroom language to contribute to structured discussions and reflect on learning experiences by making suggestions, asking questions for clarification and expressing agreement or disagreement, for example, Saya rasa …; Apa maksud Ibu?; Mengapa kamu pikir begitu?
Identify information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, state opinions, compare views and present information in different formats to inform or interest others
Convey information, ideas and opinions on texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context, purpose and audience
Respond to traditional and/or contemporary imaginative texts by summarising, expressing opinions, or modifying aspects, such as characters, events and/or ideas
Create own imaginative texts in different modes and formats, using imaginary characters, to inform or entertain, or to convey experiences or express ideas
Translate and interpret texts from Indonesian to English and vice versa, identifying how cultural concepts are embedded in language and explaining differences in meaning
Engage with Indonesian speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language and being aware of audience and context
Reflect on the experience of learning and using Indonesian and how it might add further dimension to own identity