Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Indonesian grammatical system, including:
- identifying people by pronouns or titles, for example, aku, kamu, beliau, Kepala Sekolah, si (diminutive), names and nicknames
- describing the qualities of people using adjectives of character, for example, bertanggung-jawab; murah hati
- describing the qualities of people using the prefix pe- to describe enduring attributes of behaviour or character, such as pemalu, pendiam, pemarah and pemalas
- describing people and things using acronyms and abbreviations, such as HUT, SIM, pe-de
- describing people, places and things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, Hotel bagus.
- indicating possibility, for example, mungkin, mudah-mudahan, semoga
- specifying what is being referred to, for example, yang ini, yang itu
- comparing things using the comparatives kurang, tidak begitu, agak, lebih, paling, ter- and se-
- seeking information using interrogatives and question forms, for example, mengapa, bagaimana, yang mana, untuk apa/siapa and dengan apa/siapa
- requesting that others do something for own benefit, such as minta, harap, mohon and tolong; for others’ benefit, such as silakan
- excusing and apologising, for example, Permisi dulu.; Minta maaf.; Maafkan saya.
- giving advice, for example, Nasehat saya …; Sebaiknya …; Seharusnya …; and Jangan …, and with suffix -lah, for example, Beristirahatlah.; Tunggulah.
- showing empathy and well wishing, for example, Kasihan.; Harap cepat sembuh.; Semoga sukses.
- locating events in time, for example, days, dates and months, such as Hari Ulang Tahun, hari Natal, Idul Fitri and bulan puasa
- giving an opinion, for example, Saya berpendapat bahwa …; Saya percaya…
- beginning to refer to abstract ideas using affixation and nominalisation, for example, belajar, pelajar, pelajaran; kerja, mengerjakan, pekerjaan; sakit, penyakit, kesakitan
- beginning to use frequency markers to refer to events and time, for example, sering kali, sekali-sekali, belum pernah, hampir tidak pernah, and using time indicators, for example, tadi malam, nanti, nanti sore, sekarang, minggu depan, waktu liburan yang lalu
- recognising adverbs as modifiers, such as kurang, cukup, cuma, agak, hanya and makin
- describing state of actions, for example, sudah, belum, pernah, sedang
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Indonesian grammatical system, including:
- identifying people by pronouns or titles, for example, aku, kamu, beliau, Kepala Sekolah, si (diminutive), names and nicknames
- describing the qualities of people using adjectives of character, for example, bertanggung-jawab; murah hati
- describing the qualities of people using the prefix pe- to describe enduring attributes of behaviour or character, such as pemalu, pendiam, pemarah and pemalas
- describing people and things using acronyms and abbreviations, such as HUT, SIM, pe-de
- describing people, places and things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, Hotel bagus.
- indicating possibility, for example, mungkin, mudah-mudahan, semoga
- specifying what is being referred to, for example, yang ini, yang itu
- comparing things using the comparatives kurang, tidak begitu, agak, lebih, paling, ter- and se-
- seeking information using interrogatives and question forms, for example, mengapa, bagaimana, yang mana, untuk apa/siapa and dengan apa/siapa
- requesting that others do something for own benefit, such as minta, harap, mohon and tolong; for others’ benefit, such as silakan
- excusing and apologising, for example, Permisi dulu.; Minta maaf.; Maafkan saya.
- giving advice, for example, Nasehat saya …; Sebaiknya …; Seharusnya …; and Jangan …, and with suffix -lah, for example, Beristirahatlah.; Tunggulah.
- showing empathy and well wishing, for example, Kasihan.; Harap cepat sembuh.; Semoga sukses.
- locating events in time, for example, days, dates and months, such as Hari Ulang Tahun, hari Natal, Idul Fitri and bulan puasa
- giving an opinion, for example, Saya berpendapat bahwa …; Saya percaya…
- beginning to refer to abstract ideas using affixation and nominalisation, for example, belajar, pelajar, pelajaran; kerja, mengerjakan, pekerjaan; sakit, penyakit, kesakitan
- beginning to use frequency markers to refer to events and time, for example, sering kali, sekali-sekali, belum pernah, hampir tidak pernah, and using time indicators, for example, tadi malam, nanti, nanti sore, sekarang, minggu depan, waktu liburan yang lalu
- recognising adverbs as modifiers, such as kurang, cukup, cuma, agak, hanya and makin
- describing state of actions, for example, sudah, belum, pernah, sedang
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts