Systems of language
Correctly apply stress in polysyllabic words and use intonation in complex sentences, for example, Walaupun saya tidak suka berenang, tetapi saya senang bermain di pantai; Saya lebih suka bermain bulu tangkis daripada bermain tenis yang membosankan
Continue to extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:
- indicating negation, for example, jangan, tidak sama sekali, bukan
- indicating quantity using juta
- using classifiers, for example, buah, helai, potong, ikat
- referring to past and future using time indicators, for example, tadi pagi, nanti malam, sebelum, sesudah, kemudian, lalu and referring to length of time, for example, selama, makan waktu…
- seeking information using a range of questions, for example, Bagaimana?; Di mana?; Apakah?; Kapan?; Mengapa?; Sudah pernah?; Dari mana?; Berapa lama?; Dengan siapa?; Naik apa?; Pernahkah siapa?
- describing frequency using adverbs, for example, jarang, setiap, pernah, selalu
- creating cohesion using conjunctions, for example, walaupun, karena, supaya
- accepting or declining invitations, for example, mau ikut, maaf, sayang
- comparing and contrasting, for example, paling, ter-, dibandingkan dengan…
- expressing opinions, for example, dari pihak saya…
- expressing emotions, for example, -wah, sayang, asyik, hebat, siip, seru
Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources
Apply the structures and conventions associated with a range of text types and identify key features and functions of the different genres