
Systems of language

Recognise pronunciation and intonation conventions when creating emphasis, for example, recurring patterns and onomatopoeia or conveying emotion, for example, kasihan deh, bagi dong, ada yang baik ada yang tidak baik

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and extend knowledge of grammatical elements including:

  • describing people and things using, for example:
    • compound nouns (sayur-mayur, merah darah)
    • acronyms (puskesmas) and abbreviations (SMU, HP)
    • indicators of groups or plurals (kaum, para, kalian)
    • terms of address (Kak, Dik, Mas, Mbak, Bang) and particles (diminutive Si and honorific Sang)
    • classifiers (buah, helai, potong, ikat)
  • describing the qualities of people and things using, for example:
    • adjectives using me-/me-kan (menarik, menakjubkan, mengesankan)
    • adjectives using the prefix pe- (to describe enduring attributes of behaviour or character such as pemalu, pendiam, pemarah, pemalas)
    • comparatives (kurang, tidak begitu, agak,
      se-) and superlatives (ter-)
  • referring to the past, present and future and relating events in time using adverbs, for example, dulu, yang lalu, yang akan datang, dua minggu lagi
  • well-wishing, for example, mudah-mudahan, semoga
  • expressing imagination by using imagery (angin bertiup kencang; bunga-bunga berwarna-warni), metaphor (adalah; burung bernyanyi di pohon) and simile (Matanya seperti bintang kejora; Kata-katanya bagai air mengalir)
  • maintaining interaction using rhetorical devices, for example, Betul?; Bukan? and verbal fillers such as kalau saya tidak salah, omong-omong, begini…
  • expressing emphasis, for example, deh, dong, sih, bukan main [adjective] nya

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions

Examine the interrelationship between different text types, language choices, audience, context and purpose

Language variation and change

Analyse the ways in which Indonesian varies according to spoken and written forms, cultural context and subcultures

Explore the influence of language on people’s actions, values and beliefs and appreciate the scale and importance of linguistic diversity

Role of language and culture

Understand how the Indonesian language may reflect cultural perspectives such as collectivism, harmony, fate and humility, norms such as showing deference and saving face and values such as patience, humility and selflessness