Systems of language
Understand and use the features of the Italian sound system, through recognising and using some common interjections, for example, Oh!, E?, Cioè, Ahimè, Ohimè, Uffa!, and recognising and applying the differences in pronunciation of words with similar spelling, for example, sùbito, subito
Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by continuing to extend understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Italian grammatical system, including:
- applying rules of inclusion/omission of definite articles, for example, mio padre and il mio papà; Buongiorno signora …; È la signora …
- beginning to use possessive and demonstrative pronouns, for example, Questa è la mia bicicletta, quella è la tua.
- recognising direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns
- using adverbs to modify meaning of verbs and adjectives, such as molto, troppo, abbastanza, for example, Devo studiare molto.
- beginning to use the future tense
- using the conditional mood in modelled sentences and formulaic expressions, for example, Mi piacerebbe molto studiare in Italia.
- recognising the impersonal si, for example, Quali lingue si parlano in Australia?
- using prepositions to introduce additional information when describing actions, people and objects, including articulated prepositions, for example, Vado in palestra per allenarmi.; Andrò negli Stati Uniti prima di cominciare all’università.
- using modal verbs, potere, volere and dovere, to indicate ability/willingness/necessity, for example, Perché vuoi continuare a studiare l’italiano?; Vorrei andare negli Stati Uniti prima di cominciare all’università.
- using the relative pronoun che to form complex sentences, for example, La città che ho visitato era bellissima.
- beginning to use disjunctive pronouns in formulaic expressions, for example, Secondo me ... ; A te piace ...?
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts