
Systems of language

Understand and use the features of the Italian sound system, through recognising some common interjections, for example, Allora …; Oh!, E?, Cioè, beh?, boh!, Uffa!, the differences in pronunciation of words with similar spelling, for example, sùbito, subito, and common cognate words in speech, for example, organizzazione, programmare, arrivare


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Italian grammatical system, including:

  • using common irregular noun plurals, for example, la città/le città; il dito/le dita, and common collective nouns, for example, la gente
  • beginning to use common regular superlative adjectives, for example, È bellissimo.
  • using adverbs of time and manner, for example, ieri, di solito
  • using articulated or simple prepositions to indicate destinations and directions, for example, in Italia, a Roma, al parco
  • using interrogatives, for example, Come si chiama il tuo migliore amico?; Quando hai cominciato a suonare il flauto?
  • beginning to use modal verbs, potere, volere and dovere, to indicate ability/willingness/necessity, for example, Non posso andare al cinema perché devo studiare.
  • using verbs in the present tense to indicate action in the present (including irregular verbs and reflexives), for example, Ci divertiamo molto insieme.
  • beginning to use verbs in the present perfect tense, for example, Siamo andati al festival sabato.
  • learning to use the imperfect tense of verbs in formulaic expressions, such as Il festival era divertente.

Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts


Language variation and change

Analyse how Italian is used in varying ways to achieve different purposes


Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of influences, such as contact with other languages, globalisation and new technologies and knowledge


Role of language and culture

Explore the ways in which language and culture are used to establish relationships, indicate social values and enhance intercultural exchange