
Systems of language

Recognise and experiment with reproducing the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language by singing, reciting, imitating and repeating words and phrases in context

Notice and use context-related vocabulary to generate language

Recognise some first elements of grammar, including:

  • becoming aware of gender in patterns of naming, for example, Paolo/Paola; Alessandro/Alessandra
  • beginning to notice definite and indefinite articles with nouns, for example, la classe, una classe; il banco, un banco
  • recognising different words for asking questions and making requests, for example, Chi....?; Chi è?; Vieni qui!
  • noticing the structure of simple statements and questions based on models, for example, lo sono Anna; Non sto bene; È un gatto? Sì, è un gatto
  • learning simple verbs to describe actions and using them in formulaic expressions, for example, Mi piace cantare/giocare; Ti piace questo giocattolo?
  • expressing negation, for example, Non mi piace
  • developing number knowledge for numbers 0–10


Recognise that language is organised as ‘text’ that can be spoken, written, digital, visual or multimodal

Language variation and change

Recognise that in Italian, as in English and other languages, there are different ways of greeting and interacting with people, for example, Buongiorno Signora, come sta?; Ciao, Isabella

Role of language and culture

Recognise that Italian is one of many community languages spoken in Australia, including Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages, Asian languages and worlds languages