Systems of language

Recognise and reproduce the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language noticing similarities and differences with English

Pronounce the Italian alphabet – in particular the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, the rolled r, the c as in ciao and the ch as in chi

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • noticing definite and indefinite articles with nouns, for example, la matita, il libro, il quaderno; una maestra, uno studente; i ragazzi, le ragazze
  • noticing that Italian words end mostly with vowels to mark gender and number, for example, fratello, sorella, libro, libri
  • observing that some words which do not end with a vowel are the same in English, for example, computer, robot, yogurt, sport
  • identifying people using pronouns, for example, io, tu
  • noticing the use of formulaic structures with ho and sono when giving personal information about state or identity, for example, Ho due fratelli; Sono basso; Ho sei anni; Ho gli occhi verdi; Sono alto
  • understanding and responding to imperatives, for example, Vieni qui!; Fate attenzione!
  • learning the structure of simple statements and questions based on models, for example, lo ho sei anni; Io abito a Subiaco; È Marco? No, è Stefano
  • developing number knowledge for numbers

Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and different types of texts have different features