Year 6 SyllabusTest
Year 6 Syllabus
Year Level Description
Year 6 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Year 5 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Italian language and culture. Students gain greater independence and become more conscious of their peers and social context. As they gain a greater awareness of the world around them they also become more aware of the similarities and differences between the Italian language and culture and their own.
Students communicate in Italian, initiating interactions with others to exchange information and relate experiences about free time. They participate in routine exchanges to express feelings, opinions and personal preferences about people, things and places. Students collaborate with peers in guided tasks to plan events or activities or to showcase their progress in learning and using Italian. They gather, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds and convey information, ideas and opinions, selecting appropriate texts to suit specific audiences and contexts. Students share and compare responses to a variety of imaginative texts. They create or reinterpret, present or perform alternative versions of imaginative texts for different audiences to suit different modes or contexts.
Students are becoming more familiar with the systems of the Italian language, explaining and applying features of intonation, pronunciation and writing conventions in a variety of contexts and types of texts. They use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes such as using the perfect tense of common verbs such as essere + andare, avere + vedere and giocare to relate experiences. Students begin to build a metalanguage in Italian to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.
Students understand that the Italian language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to the impact of new technologies and knowledge. They also understand that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication.
In Year 6 students continue to widen their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Italian. They are encouraged to use Italian as much as possible for interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice.
Initiate interactions with others, using descriptive and expressive language to exchange information and relate experiences about free time, for example, La sera faccio i compiti e gioco ai video giochi. E tu, cosa fai la sera dopo cena?; Quale sport fai il weekend?; Mi piace/non mi piace la musica classica; Sabato ho incontrato i miei amici al centro commerciale; Quando fa bel tempo vado al mare
Participate in routine exchanges to express feelings, opinions and personal preferences about people, things and places such as È mio fratello – è molto simpatico; E tu?; È vero; Davvero?; Va bene; Non sono d’accordo; Bravissimo!; Eccezionale!; Mi piace/piacciono...; Non mi piace/piacciono...; Preferisco...
Collaborate with peers in guided tasks to plan events or activities to showcase their progress in learning and using Italian, developing projects or budgeting for a shared event
Gather, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds
Convey information, ideas and opinions related to their personal and social worlds, selecting appropriate written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts, to suit specific audiences and contexts
Share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas and identify cultural elements in a variety of imaginative texts
Create or reinterpret, present or perform alternative versions of imaginative texts for different audiences, adapting stimulus, theme, characters, places, ideas and events to suit different modes or contexts
Translate and interpret short texts from Italian to English and vice versa, recognising that words and meanings do not always correspond across languages and expanding descriptions or giving examples where necessary to assist meaning, for example, explaining the use of idioms such as Diamoci del tu!; Dai!; Via!; Evviva!; Non vedo l’ora!
Experiment with bilingual dictionaries and/or online translators, considering the relative advantages or limitations of each resource
Engage in intercultural experiences, describing aspects of language and culture that are unfamiliar and discussing their own reactions and adjustments
Systems of language
Explain and apply features of intonation, pronunciation and writing conventions such as understanding that there are both grave accents (è)and acute accents (perché)
Apply the rules of spelling to writing in a variety of types of texts and contexts
Use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- noticing adjective - noun agreement, for example, le riviste sportive; la musica classica; i video giochi nuovi
- expressing positive and negative preferences using adverbs to intensify the meaning, for example, Mi piace molto la cioccolata; Non mi piace tanto ballare
- expressing negation, for example, Noi non guardiamo la televisione; Non pratico lo sport
- formulating questions and requests, for example, Cosa fai il weekend?; Dove andiamo stasera?
- recognising the position of adverbs in sentences, for example, Non vado mai in città/al cinema
- using plural subject pronouns noi, voi and loro
- using all forms of the present tense of regular and some irregular verbs to present situations and events, including those in the immediate future, for example, using avere, essere, stare, giocare, dormire, fare, leggere, scrivere, andare in sentences such as Ti piace giocare a carte o preferisci giocare a pallone?; Domani sera andiamo al ristorante per la cena
- using the perfect tense of common verbs such as essere + andare, avere + vedere and giocare to relate experiences, for example, Domenica pomeriggio Alex ed io siamo andati in citta. Abbiamo visto un film e poi abbiamo mangiato una pizza
Build a metalanguage in Italian to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures
Understand how Italian texts use language in ways that create different effects and suit different audiences
Language variation and change
Understand that the Italian language is used differently in different contexts and situations
Role of language and culture
Understand that the Italian language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to the impact of new technologies and knowledge
Understand that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication
Achievement standard
At standard, students initiate, with guidance, interactions in Italian using descriptive, expressive and modelled language to collaborate in guided tasks or activities and to exchange information and relate experiences about free time. Students gather, compare and respond to most information and some supporting details from texts related to their personal and social worlds and they convey simple information, ideas and opinions. With some guidance, students select texts to suit specific audiences and contexts. They share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas, and identify some cultural elements in imaginative texts. They create, adapt or present, with guidance, their own simple alternative versions of imaginative texts for different audiences, modes or contexts. They translate short texts from Italian to English and vice versa, explaining or providing a description, with guidance, some familiar words or expressions that do not directly translate between languages. Students experiment with and discuss the usefulness of various forms of dictionaries. They engage in intercultural experiences, describing simply aspects of language and culture that are unfamiliar, and discuss their own reactions and adjustments.
Students explain and use appropriate intonation, pronunciation, spelling and writing conventions with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They generate simple written and spoken texts by applying knowledge of familiar vocabulary and grammatical elements with a high level of accuracy and less familiar elements with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Students apply understanding of adjective-noun agreements, formulate questions and requests using dove, che, cosa and con chi and express preferences using adverbs, such as tanto and molto to intensify the meaning. They talk about present events and situations, and those in the near future, using the present tense. They relate experiences in the past using the perfect tense of common verbs, such as Domencia pomeriggio Alex ed io siamo andati in città. Students discuss language patterns and rules, how Italian texts use language to create different effects and suit different audiences, and how Italian is used differently in different contexts and situations. They discuss how the Italian language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and the impact of new technologies, and explain that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication.
Year Level Description
Year 6 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Year 5 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Italian language and culture. Students gain greater independence and become more conscious of their peers and social context. As they gain a greater awareness of the world around them they also become more aware of the similarities and differences between the Italian language and culture and their own.
Students communicate in Italian, initiating interactions with others to exchange information and relate experiences about free time. They participate in routine exchanges to express feelings, opinions and personal preferences about people, things and places. Students collaborate with peers in guided tasks to plan events or activities or to showcase their progress in learning and using Italian. They gather, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds and convey information, ideas and opinions, selecting appropriate texts to suit specific audiences and contexts. Students share and compare responses to a variety of imaginative texts. They create or reinterpret, present or perform alternative versions of imaginative texts for different audiences to suit different modes or contexts.
Students are becoming more familiar with the systems of the Italian language, explaining and applying features of intonation, pronunciation and writing conventions in a variety of contexts and types of texts. They use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes such as using the perfect tense of common verbs such as essere + andare, avere + vedere and giocare to relate experiences. Students begin to build a metalanguage in Italian to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.
Students understand that the Italian language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to the impact of new technologies and knowledge. They also understand that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication.
In Year 6 students continue to widen their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Italian. They are encouraged to use Italian as much as possible for interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice.