Year 7 SyllabusTest
Year 7 Syllabus
Year Level Description
Year 7 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Year 6 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Italian language and culture. Some students begin Year 7 with proficiency in languages other than Italian and bring existing language learning strategies and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning Italian. Their growing textual knowledge, developed through English literacy, supports their developing Italian literacy. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive.
Students communicate in Italian, initiating and participating in spoken and written interactions with peers and known adults to talk about, give opinions, share thoughts and feelings on people, social events and school experiences. They engage in tasks and activities that involve planning, negotiating arrangements and participating in transactions. Students access and summarise key information and supporting details from texts. They organise and present information and ideas on texts, using descriptive and expressive language and modes of presentation to suit different audiences and contexts. Students respond to a range of imaginative texts by expressing opinions about the themes, values and techniques used to engage audiences. They create and present simple imaginative texts such as songs or stories that involve imagined characters, places and experiences.
Students better understand the systems of the Italian language, developing an understanding of differences in pronunciation of consonant and vowel combinations and stress and accents. They extend their knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar such as learning to use the imperfect tense of verbs in formulaic expressions and connecting or elaborating clauses by using conjunctions when encountered in familiar expressions and scaffolded language contexts. Students continue to build a metalanguage in Italian to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources.
In Year 7 students reflect on changes in their own use of language(s) over time, noticing how and when new ways are adopted or existing ways adapted. The practice of reviewing and consolidating prior learning is balanced against the provision of engaging and relevant new experiences and connections.
Initiate and participate in spoken and written interactions with peers and known adults, using rehearsed descriptive and expressive language to talk about, give opinions, share thoughts and feelings on people, social events and school experiences, for example, Mi piace il mio amico perché è buffissimo; Dove sei andato/a?; Con chi?; Cosa hai fatto?; Il weekend sono andato/a alla partita a vedere... Mi sono divertito/a; Le materie che studio quest’anno sono l’inglese, l’ítaliano, la matematica,...; La professoressa di matematica è molto simpatica ma il professore di educazione fisica è qualche volta troppo severo
Engage in tasks and activities that involve planning such as hosting an Italian class or visitor, an excursion to an Italian restaurant, the local Italian aged-care home, the cinema, a music concert or a mercato all‘aperto, considering options, negotiating arrangements and participating in transactions
Access and summarise key information and supporting details from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds
Organise and present information and ideas on texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using descriptive and expressive language and modes of presentation to suit different audiences and contexts
Respond to a range of imaginative texts by expressing opinions about the themes and key ideas, values and techniques used to engage and entertain audiences
Create and present simple, individual and shared imaginative texts such as songs, poems, plays or stories that involve imagined characters, places and experiences, to entertain peers and younger audiences
Translate texts and compare their own translation to classmates’, noticing when it is difficult to transfer meaning from one language to the other
Interact and engage with members of the
Italian-speaking community to share and compare aspects of culture that affect communication and notice how their own culture impacts on language use, for example, ways of expressing feelings or politeness protocols associated with social events
Consider how their own biography, including personal experiences, family origins, traditions and beliefs, interests and experience, influences their identity and communication
Systems of language
Develop an understanding of differences in pronunciation of consonant and vowel combinations such as famiglie, gnocchi, chiese, barche, chiavi, buono, cena and stress and accents such as sono and sonno, vale and valle, felicità
Extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:
- beginning to use nouns: gender and number, regular and irregular
- using subject pronouns for emphasis, for example, Sei andato alla partita, anche tu?
- beginning to use articulated prepositions a, di, da, in, su plus article and prepositions that do not combine, for example, tra and per
- learning to use adverbs to qualify verbs, for example, proprio, troppo, abbastanza, specialmente, spesso, nemmeno, purtroppo
- beginning to use verbs to express action in time
- using a range of regular and some irregular verbs in the present tense and perfect tense, for example, Imparo l’Italiano da tre anni; L’anno scorso ho imparato il tedesco
- recognising and beginning to use the imperfect tense of verbs in formulaic expressions such as Il festival era divertentissimo!
- connecting or elaborating clauses by using conjunctions, including anche
Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources
Understand the structures, conventions and purpose associated with a range of texts created for information exchange or social interaction
Language variation and change
Identify features of Italian that vary according to audience, context and purpose in familiar spoken and written texts
Recognise that Italian, like other languages, continues to change over time due to global and cultural influences
Role of language and culture
Understand that language use reflects cultural expression, assumptions and perspectives
Achievement standard
At standard, students initiate and participate in spoken and written interactions in Italian with others through collaborative tasks, activities and transactions to exchange information on people, social events and school experiences. They use rehearsed descriptive and expressive language to talk about, give some opinions and share thoughts and feelings, such as Mi piace il mio amico perché è buffissimo. Students engage in the planning of Italian events or activities by considering options, negotiating arrangements and participating in transactions. They identify and provide most key information, and some supporting details, from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds and they present information and ideas on texts using rehearsed descriptive and expressive language. They select modes of presentation to suit audiences or contexts. Students express simple opinions on and describe some of the themes and key ideas, values and techniques in imaginative texts. They create and present their own or shared simple imaginative texts with imagined characters, places and experiences, to entertain peers and younger audiences. They translate texts, with some inaccuracies, and compare their own translation to their peers’, noticing when it is difficult to transfer meaning from one language to the other. They notice how aspects of culture may affect communication, and how their own culture impacts on language use. Students also consider how their biography influences their identity and communication.
Students begin to notice and apply, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, differences in the pronunciation of consonants and vowel combinations. They generate written and spoken texts by applying knowledge of familiar vocabulary and grammatical elements and some less familiar elements, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Students use regular and irregular nouns, subject pronouns for emphasis, adverbs to qualify verbs and conjunctions to connect or elaborate clauses, such as Mi piace il mio amico perché è buffissimo.They use verbs, both regular and some irregular, in the present and perfect tenses, such as Imparo l’italiano da tre anni. They begin to use articulated prepositions, verbs to express action in time and the imperfect tense in formulaic expressions, such as Il festival era divertentissimo! Students describe how the Italian language works, using some relevant metalanguage to organise learning resources. They consider and frequently apply the structures, conventions and purposes associated with a range of texts created for information exchange or social interaction. They identify some features of Italian that vary according to audience, context and purpose, some ways in which language use reflects cultural expression, assumption and perspective, and consider how Italian continues to change due global and cultural influences.
Year Level Description
Year 7 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Year 6 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Italian language and culture. Some students begin Year 7 with proficiency in languages other than Italian and bring existing language learning strategies and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning Italian. Their growing textual knowledge, developed through English literacy, supports their developing Italian literacy. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive.
Students communicate in Italian, initiating and participating in spoken and written interactions with peers and known adults to talk about, give opinions, share thoughts and feelings on people, social events and school experiences. They engage in tasks and activities that involve planning, negotiating arrangements and participating in transactions. Students access and summarise key information and supporting details from texts. They organise and present information and ideas on texts, using descriptive and expressive language and modes of presentation to suit different audiences and contexts. Students respond to a range of imaginative texts by expressing opinions about the themes, values and techniques used to engage audiences. They create and present simple imaginative texts such as songs or stories that involve imagined characters, places and experiences.
Students better understand the systems of the Italian language, developing an understanding of differences in pronunciation of consonant and vowel combinations and stress and accents. They extend their knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar such as learning to use the imperfect tense of verbs in formulaic expressions and connecting or elaborating clauses by using conjunctions when encountered in familiar expressions and scaffolded language contexts. Students continue to build a metalanguage in Italian to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources.
In Year 7 students reflect on changes in their own use of language(s) over time, noticing how and when new ways are adopted or existing ways adapted. The practice of reviewing and consolidating prior learning is balanced against the provision of engaging and relevant new experiences and connections.