

Interact with peers and known adults orally and in writing to exchange information about self, family and friends and interests, for example,  ~先生(せんせい)、おはよう。; さようなら、Simonさん。; じゃあね name です。おはようございます。;こんにちは。はじめまして。どうぞよろしく(with bowing and appropriate eye contact). わたしの ともだちは おもしろい です。;かぞく は 六人(ろくにん) です。おとうさん と おかあさん と おねえさん と ぼく と いもうと と あかちゃん です。; いもうと  は 五才(ごさい) です。; おかあさん は やさしい です。;おとうさん は くるま が すきです。


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve working together to create displays, presentations or performances to showcase their language learning for family, friends and their school community


Participate in classroom routines and interactions by responding to teacher talk, following instructions, asking and answering questions, requesting assistance or permission, asking others how they are and offering wishes, for example, きりつ, れい, ちゃくせき、はい、います。; いません。;  だいじょうぶ?; たいへん?; すごい!;  よくできました; ありがとうございます; ありがとう。; はい、わかりました。;  いいえ、ちょっと わかりません。; 日本語 (にほんご)(なん) ですか。; すみません、もう いちど。;  たって/すわって/かいて /みて/よんで/きいて ください。



Identify topic, gist and specific points of information from a range of spoken and written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and use the information in new ways


Convey information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation



Respond to imaginative texts by describing aspects, such as characters, events and/or key ideas


Create simple own or shared imaginative texts by reinterpreting or adapting familiar texts and/or using modelled structures and language



Translate and interpret phrases and short texts from Japanese to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases translate easily and which do not



Reflect on own and others’ responses to interactions and intercultural experiences, and use these reflections to improve intercultural communication


Reflect on experiences of learning and using another language, and share aspects of own identity, such as age, interests and family background, reflecting on how these impact on intercultural communication