Systems of language
Recognise multiple readings of familiar kanji in different compounds, for example, オーストラリア人、やさしい人、三人、新しい、新聞、聞きます
Use knowledge of familiar kanji to predict meaning of unknown words
Increase control of context-related vocabulary and understand how sophistication in expression can be achieved by:
- using character charts as a systematic framework for recognising patterns for verb conjugation and applying the formation rules of each verb group
- requesting and giving permission and expressing prohibition using verb て form, for example,
~てもいいです;~てはいけません;~てはだめです - using verb stems with grammatical features such as ~やすい/にくいです
- exploring how to use plain forms in authentic contexts such as conversations with peers, for example, 食べる?/見る?
- expressing opinions, intentions and thoughts using the plain form, for example, plain verb つもりです, verb /adjective とおもいます
- using adverbs and intensifiers such as かなり
- increasing cohesion within paragraphs by using conjunctions, for example, それに、それで
- indicating the status of actions using adverbs such as まだ and もう
- understanding the concept of uchi-soto 内と外 for making appropriate choices of register, for example, 食べる?/食べますか?
Further develop a metalanguage to describe and increase control of grammatical concepts and language elements and to organise learning resources such as verb charts and lists of vocabulary and sentence structures
Identify, analyse and compare textual features and conventions in Japanese and English texts that characterise social and informative media
Language variation and change
Analyse variations in language use that reflect different social and cultural contexts, purposes and relationships
Explain changes to Japanese and other languages and cultures and understand that language use has the power to influence social and cultural relationships and practices
Role of language and culture
Explore cultural concepts embedded in Japanese language that embody core values and behaviours and for which there is no direct English translation