

Initiate interactions with the teacher and peers, using descriptive and expressive language to exchange information about their home, neighbourhood and local community, for example, うみ  に  いきました;たのしかった  です;へや に ふとん が あります;だいどころ に おかあさん が います;まっすぐ いって、みぎ に まがって、としょかん が
あります;がっこう に いきましょう;

Participate in guided tasks related to organising displays, planning outings and conducting events such as performances, or activities such as building models and completing transactions in places such as a café or a market


Gather and compare information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts, related to their personal and social worlds

Gather and convey information and ideas in different formats from a range of texts related to their personal and social worlds


Share responses to characters, events and ideas in imaginative texts such as anime, folk stories and manga, making connections with personal experiences and feelings

Create or reinterpret, present or perform imaginative texts for different audiences, based on or adapted from events, characters or settings in other imaginative texts


Collect, use and explain Japanese words and expressions that do not translate easily into English such as  おかえり;いらっしゃいませ;

Use visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate simple familiar texts such as labels or captions


Compare ways of communicating in Australian and Japanese-speaking contexts and identify ways in which culture influences language use