Systems of language

Pronounce all the sounds in the kana chart, including voiced and unvoiced sounds てんてん and まる, combined and long vowel sounds and double consonants, for example, きって and りょうり

Understand that the sounds of hiragana and katakana are identical, even though the associated scripts are different

Read and write all hiragana, including voiced, combined and long vowel sounds and double consonants using a hiragana chart for support

Understand the use of basic Japanese punctuation marks such as まる(。) and てん(、)

Read and write words, phrases and sentences using hiragana and simple kanji, for example, わたし の 本;わたし の かぞく です

Use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of the systematic nature of Japanese grammatical rules in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • using verbs to indicate – let’s…, ~ましょう
  • understanding and identifying elements of different sentence structures and the use of particles such as へ/で
  • understanding the use of ~が あります/
    いますto refer to inanimate/animate objects
  • describing locations of homes, people, animals and items, using basic structures, for example, noun は place に  あります; noun は place に います
  • knowing how to use prepositions to describe the position of objects, for example, つくえ の 上 に  本  が  あります
  • knowing how to use common counters and classifiers such as こ/ひき/びき/ぴき/えん
  • understanding Japanese numerical place order, for example 一、十、百、千、万
  • understanding different question words such as いくら/どれ

Build a metalanguage in Japanese to talk about language

Recognise the use of formulaic expressions, including the word order for writing the date and textual features in familiar texts such as opening and closing emails, letters, postcards, or telephone conversations