Systems of language
Engage with authentic spoken language, recognising how words blend
Understand the relationship between sounds, words and meaning such as noticing that certain combinations of two moras make one rhythm unit (foot), for example, the copula です and the verb suffix ます
Recognise and make meaning of some single and whole word katakana with the support of a katakana chart
Apply the basic principles of stroke order to write all hiragana and high-frequency kanji
Write simple texts using hiragana and kanji on familiar topics
Use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of the systematic nature of Japanese grammatical rules in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- using verbs to indicate – Would you…?
Shall we …? ~ませんか; ~ましょうか - understanding the use of これ/それ/あれ/どれ
- using the verb て form as a formulaic expression, such as when giving instructions or seeking permission, for example, 見てください;トイレ に いっても いい ですか
- knowing how to use common counters and classifiers such as こ/ひき/ まい/ ぴき/えん
- using conjunctions such as そして、それから to link ideas
Build a metalanguage in Japanese to talk about language
Apply formulaic expressions and understand the significance of textual features in texts such as letters or telephone conversations and how the composition of texts reflects cultural values