Systems of language
Recognise and differentiate the sounds of spoken Korean; for example, categorising names according to their first consonant, such as 미셸, 마크, 마이클
Recognise the sounds of six basic two-stroke vowel letters: ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅗ, ㅡ, ㅣ
Recognise and replicate the sounds and rhythms of spoken Korean and the forms of Hangeul syllable blocks
Understand that the syllable block is the basic unit of writing in Korean; for example, identifying syllable blocks that make up Korean words, such as 아기 which has two syllable blocks
Recognise simple Hangeul using early language strategies; for example, sounding out vowels using their arms
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:
- recognising that -요 at the end of a sentence can be used with different intonation for a question or statement; for example, 좋아해요? and 좋아해요.
- understanding and using 제/저 to refer to the self in sentences
- recognising and responding to simple questions using 네/아니요 (to express dis/agreement) and 안 (for affirmative or negative responses)
- recognising simple vocabulary to identify and describe familiar animals, objects and environments, including colours
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and that different types of texts have different features