Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • using a range of case markers and particles, including honorific forms as applicable, for appropriate grammatical functions
  • analysing the structure of complex verb phrases and expanding their use; for example,
    알고 싶어요, 갔다 왔어요, 보러 가요
  • reporting speech or thought using
    -다고/-(이)라고; for example, 맞다고 생각해요,
    3번이라고 생각해요
  • connecting ideas in different relationships using a range of conjunctive suffixes; for example, 한국에 가면 부산에 가 보고싶어요
  • using long negative forms of verbs, such as
    -지 않아요., -지 못해요.
  • using the structures verb stem +-기 때문에 and noun + 에 대해서 appropriately; for example,
    쓰레기 때문에 분리수거에 대해서 이야기해 봐요
  • expanding the range and use of adverbs; for example, 훨씬, 함께, 겨우, 아마, 너무, 조금, 벌써, 아직
  • understanding the concept of different speech levels and styles in Korean and using the sentence-final verb endings in three speech styles appropriately; for example, formal polite style, informal polite style and intimate style
  • identifying and practising onomatopoeic and mimetic expressions in Korean; for example, 비가 주룩주룩 와요.
  • using specialised vocabulary drawn from other learning areas or broader topics of interest, such as social or environmental issues; for example,
    환경보호, 지구가 죽어요
  • using reflective/sympathetic words or phrases to signal empathy, down-toning or indirect disagreement, or just as a pause-filler; for example, 음, 그렇지요?, 글쎄요.
  • understanding and extending the use of honorific or humble vocabulary; for example,
    할머니께 여쭤봐요.

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions



Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • using a range of case markers and particles, including honorific forms as applicable, for appropriate grammatical functions
  • analysing the structure of complex verb phrases and expanding their use; for example,
    알고 싶어요, 갔다 왔어요, 보러 가요
  • reporting speech or thought using
    -다고/-(이)라고; for example, 맞다고 생각해요,
    3번이라고 생각해요
  • connecting ideas in different relationships using a range of conjunctive suffixes; for example, 한국에 가면 부산에 가 보고싶어요
  • using long negative forms of verbs, such as
    -지 않아요., -지 못해요.
  • using the structures verb stem +-기 때문에 and noun + 에 대해서 appropriately; for example,
    쓰레기 때문에 분리수거에 대해서 이야기해 봐요
  • expanding the range and use of adverbs; for example, 훨씬, 함께, 겨우, 아마, 너무, 조금, 벌써, 아직
  • understanding the concept of different speech levels and styles in Korean and using the sentence-final verb endings in three speech styles appropriately; for example, formal polite style, informal polite style and intimate style
  • identifying and practising onomatopoeic and mimetic expressions in Korean; for example, 비가 주룩주룩 와요.
  • using specialised vocabulary drawn from other learning areas or broader topics of interest, such as social or environmental issues; for example,
    환경보호, 지구가 죽어요
  • using reflective/sympathetic words or phrases to signal empathy, down-toning or indirect disagreement, or just as a pause-filler; for example, 음, 그렇지요?, 글쎄요.
  • understanding and extending the use of honorific or humble vocabulary; for example,
    할머니께 여쭤봐요.

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions