Systems of language

Recognise the sounds of the Korean language and the forms of Hangeul syllable blocks, and understand that the syllable block is the basic unit of writing in Korean, associating individual syllable blocks with their pronunciation

Recognise the sounds of four basic three-stroke vowel letters:ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅠ, ㅛ

Reproduce sounds, rhythms and intonation patterns of spoken Korean


Recognise Hangeul sounds by pointing at symbols on the Hangeul chart

Recognise the basic order of strokes in writing syllable blocks


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context-related vocabulary and some first elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • beginning to use basic verbs with the -해요 ending in sentences; for example, 노래해요.;
    공부해요.; 요리해요.
  • recognising a structure where a noun or pronoun is followed by a basic case marker, such as
    -은/는, -이/가, -에 and -을/를
  • understanding how to construct a simple question using a basic question word; for example,
    뭐 해요?
    어때요? 주세요.
  • recognising and using simple vocabulary to describe simple actions, states or qualities in familiar contexts, including time of the day and weather



Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose