
Systems of language

Recognise characteristics of Korean pronunciation and intonation patterns; for example, discriminating between lenis, aspirated and fortis sounds in Korean, such as 가/카/까


Recognise the alphabetical nature of Hangeul and the structural features of individual syllable blocks, including batchim

Recognise that there are combined vowels and consonants that derive from the basic characters by adding extra strokes; for example, ㄲ, ㅒ, ㅔ

Begin to read and write simple words using Hangeul in familiar contexts


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by recognising and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:

  • recognising word order in sentences, such as subject + object + verb; for example, 숀이 밥을
  • using some adverbs as part of formulaic language; for example, 잘 했어요.;
    아침/점심/저녁에 뭐 해요?
  • recognising and using the particle ‘에’ as an indicator of location of things, including abstract things like times; for example, 아침에 노래해요.
  • developing knowledge in the Sino-Korean numbering system and applying it to appropriate contexts, such as date
  • continuing the use of number expressions with appropriate counters; for example, 한 개, 두 마리
  • developing knowledge in and using basic verbs with the -어/아요 ending in sentences; for example, 읽어요.; 놀아요.
  • using basic, common action and descriptive verbs to describe their daily lives or preferences; for example, 가요.; 일어나요.; 먹어요.
  • using vocabulary related to the calendar, such as the days of the week, month and date
  • using vocabulary related to school, home, sports and leisure activities



Develop a metalanguage in Korean for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English


Notice differences in familiar texts, such as personal, informative and imaginative texts, and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve their purpose


Language variation and change

Understand that different ways of using Korean language reflect different regions and countries, different relationships and different ways of making meaning


Role of language and culture

Understand that Korean is an important global language used by communities in many countries around the world and that it has connections with several other languages

Make connections between language and culture use by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect different cultural values, traditions or practices