Systems of language
Recognise the differences in intonation between statements, questions, requests and commands; for example, 가요., 가요? and 가요!
Compare how loan words from English are pronounced in Korean and vice versa
Extend knowledge in the sounds of further complex Hangeul letters, such as the tense consonants
Compose texts, beginning to apply Korean spacing rules
Compare how loan words from English are written in Hangeul with how their original counterparts in English are written
Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Korean grammatical system, including:
- applying standard word order, subject + object + action, and understanding that word order can vary
- extending the use of the different functions of a range of particles; for example,
- 들 (plural particle)
- 도 (additive particle)
- 을/를 (object particle)
- 에/에서 (location particle)
- expressing events which occurred in the past using -었/았-; for example, 있었어요.; 좋았어요.
- asking for or offering suggestions using -어요; for example, 갔어요? 봤어요?
- using location nouns, such as 앞/뒤, 위/아래, 옆, 왼쪽/오른쪽
- identifying family members using basic kinship terms; for example, 엄마, 아빠, 언니, 오빠, 형,
누나, 동생 - using a range of common nouns and verbs to describe activities and phenomena taking place in the home, school and wider context, such as transport, travel and weather; for example, 기차, 비행기, 여행, 덥다
- using a range of action/descriptive verbs commonly used in basic interpersonal and transactional interactions; for example, 비싸요,
싸요, 바빠요, 자요 - consolidating a range of adverbs such as adding some specificity to time words using 지난 or 다음
- using basic counters and two numeral systems with appropriate pronunciation; for example,
한 마리, 두 그루, 세 켤레, 일곱 시 삼십 분 - identifying commonly used culture-specific words and expressions in Korean and understanding the cultural backgrounds of such words/expressions
- beginning to apply basic honorific/humble words and particles appropriately for peers or adults; for example, 생신, 계세요, 께서
Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources
Apply the structures and conventions associated with a range of text types and identify key features and functions of the different genres
Language variation and change
Examine how elements of communication such as gestures, facial expressions and choice of language vary according to context and situation
Investigate the nature and extent of Korean language use in both Australian and global contexts
Role of language and culture
Reflect on different aspects of the cultural dimension of learning and using Korean and consider how this might be interpreted and responded to by members of the community