
Initiate and participate in sustained interactions with others orally and in writing to exchange ideas and compare and justify personal opinions about aspects of childhood, teenage life and relationships; for example, 1학년부터 4학년까지 한국에서 살았어요. 저는 침대에서 잤어요. 그런데 할머니와 할아버지는 바닥에서 주무셨어요.; 10살 때 다쳤어요.;.
친구랑 싸웠어요. 그래서 울었어요.;
어렸을 때는 개가 더 무서웠어요. 지금은 괜찮아요.;
… 더/덜 좋아요.


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve planning and managing activities, events or experiences and exchanging resources and information; for example, planning a display or performance to illustrate their memories of aspects of their childhood, or organising a forum to raise awareness of issues of interest to teenagers