Systems of language
Differentiate Tamil and English sounds; for example, by comparing names in Tamil and English
Recognise and experiment with reproducing sounds and rhythm of spoken Tamil by singing, reciting and repeating familiar words and phrases in context
Recognise, reproduce and pronounce the short and long vowel sound; for example, அ, ஆ
Recognise how names are written in Tamil by tracing them on dotted lines on laminated cards
Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts by noticing and using context‑related vocabulary and recognising some first elements of the Tamil grammatical system, including:
- recognising gender usage in nouns; for example, மாணவன்-மாணவி, சகோதரன்-சகோதரி
- recognising and using nouns for common objects around them; for example, படம், புத்தகம், பென்சில்
- using numbers while referring to objects; for example, ஒரு பூனை, இரண்டு மலர்கள்
- using simple verbs to describe actions; for example, சாப்பிடு, எழுந்திரு, குடி
- recognising that honorific suffixes are used when greeting someone older than themselves; for example, முரளிதரன் அவர்களே!
- expressing affirmative and negative verbs; for example, ஆம்/இல்லை
- noticing common forms of greetings and recognising the different levels of formality; for example, வணக்கம், மீண்டும் சந்திப்போம்.
- recognising that there are different ways to ask questions; for example, யார்? எங்கே? ஏன்?
- using imperative forms of simple verbs when giving instructions; for example, உட்காருங்கள்!, புத்தகத்தை/ எடுங்கள்!
- expressing likes and dislikes for example, விருப்பம், விருப்பமில்லை
- developing cardinal number knowledge for zero to ten
Recognise that language is organised as ‘text’ that can be spoken, written, digital, visual or multimodal