

Interact with peers, the teaching team and visiting Noongar Elders and community members, using familiar Noongar language and gestures to greet and farewell; for example, Kaya.; Kaya Miss/Mr Jones.; Boorda/Boordawan ...


Participate in simple word games, such as Naatj nidja? (Stepping stones game); Naatj kooda-k nyininy (What’s in the bag?) and action songs with lots of repetition and visual support, such as Kaya koolangka, kaya koolangka (Greeting song); kaat, djerdim, boornitj, djena (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)


Respond to simple instructions, such as yoowarl koorl, dat nyin, yira yaak, dordong warn, bedik-bedik, with modelled language and gestures



Discover and identify key information by pointing to, matching, drawing, circling or role playing key words and phrases in spoken and written Noongar

Listen to stories from Noongar Elders and use sand and water play to show understanding; sort natural objects, such as grass, rocks and leaves, to demonstrate knowledge of hard, soft, rough and smooth


Use simple statements, drawings, photos, labels, songs or gestures to describe family, animals, sand, water, mud play



Engage by listening to and viewing stories and songs and responding through singing, miming, puppets, drawing, movement, gestures, hand signs


Participate in the shared performance of songs or rhymes, for example through miming, role playing Noongar animals, puppet plays, using gestures and actions, using familiar words and patterns, and repeating or imitating sounds and key words



Co-create simple bilingual texts for the classroom, such as captions, labels and wall charts



Identify self in relation to own family, class or peer group in an illustrated family diagram/chart



Begin to notice how Noongar sounds different when speaking, singing a song or hearing it spoken by others