Notice and use some different word types, with extensive visual support, and begin to understand their purpose, including:

  • becoming aware of common nouns; for example, ngany, moort, barna
  • noticing common pronouns to identify people; for example, ngany, noonook
  • repeating greeting – kaya
  • repeating farewell – boorda
  • responding to non-verbal commands or instructions, with gestures – dat nyin, djinang, yoowarl koorl, nganop


Notice and use some different word types, with extensive visual support, and begin to understand their purpose, including:

  • becoming aware of common nouns; for example, ngany, moort, barna
  • noticing common pronouns to identify people; for example, ngany, noonook
  • repeating greeting – kaya
  • repeating farewell – boorda
  • responding to non-verbal commands or instructions, with gestures – dat nyin, djinang, yoowarl koorl, nganop