Interact with peers, the teaching team and visiting Noongar Elders and community members to exchange greetings using familiar Noongar modelled language and gestures to talk about self and family; for example, Kaya. Naatj noonan kwerl?; Nganyang kwerl Bob. Naatj noonan kwerl?; Kaya koolangka. Kaya Miss/Mr ..., noonook moorditj? Kaya ngany moorditj.; Boorda noonook djinang.; Boordawan ...
Use protocols and respect terms with Noongar Elders and community members; for example, Kaya maam-yok Merinda ...; Kaya kongk Ben ...; Kaya kwoba kabarli.
Participate in simple word games, such as touch challenge, bean bags and hoops, bingo with playing cards, Naatj kooda-k nyininy? (What’s in the bag?) and action songs with lots of repetition and visual support, such as Kaya koolangka, kaya koolangka (Greeting song), and Windji yongka, windji wetj (Where is kangaroo/emu etc.?)
Respond to simple instructions, such as warn koodjal, morlany-morlany yaak, yoowarl koorl, dat nyin, yira yaak, dordong warn, woola!, with modelled language and gestures
Identify key information by exploring Noongar Country/Place, listening to stories from Noongar Elders and community members, discovering natural objects, animal tracks, animals of the day/night, birds’ nests, bush foods, weather and Noongar seasons; convey understanding by pointing to, matching, drawing, circling or role playing key words and phrases in spoken and written Noongar
Convey factual information about family, friends, Country/Place and community using pictures, labels, captions, familiar words and simple statements on class murals, tactile displays, pictorial displays
Participate in listening to and viewing a range of texts and responding through role play, puppets, reciting and miming, joining in shared reading with teacher and others, and predicting meaning in written text by looking at pictures or making gestures
Participate in the shared performance of songs or rhymes, playing with sound patterns and the presentation of sentence patterns using verbal and non-verbal forms of expression; for example, making a shared big book, storyboard or sequence of pictures with captions
Share simple Noongar expressions, greetings, farewells, sounds and gestures with others; name familiar objects in Noongar using wall charts, visual dictionaries and pictures
Co-create simple bilingual texts for the classroom, such as captions, labels and wall charts
Identify similarities and differences between Noongar and English in music, dance, stories and flags
Notice ways of speaking in Noongar that appear different from English and how voice, behaviour and body language may change when speaking