Systems of language

Recognise and learn the different sounds of the Noongar language and link these to written symbols on Noongar sound charts

Recognise that some sounds in English are not in Noongar, including Marribank vowels, consonants and digraphs, and practise:

  • long and short vowels
  • consonants/digraphs: soft and hard sounds b, bw, d, dj, dw, k, kw, l, -ly, m, n, ng, ny, -p, r, -rd, -rl, -rn, rt, -t, -t, tj, w, y
  • producing sounds blowing a paper or feather
  • sound rhymes with actions

Become aware that sounds are not the same as in English; for example, Marribank orthography does not use the English symbols u, s, x, z, ch, sh, th, wh


Recognise the function of different word types, with extensive support, and understand basic elements of language structures, including:

  • noticing and using nouns for self, family, animals, day/night; for example, ngany, moort, barna, kedala/kedalak
  • responding to non-verbal and verbal commands or instructions, with gestures, such as line up, make a circle, get into pairs, pack up; for example, moorlany-moorlany, dordong warn, warn koodjal, bibool wordiny
  • noticing word order for present tense, such as (noun, nominative pronoun, location‑affix, verb); for example, Wetj baal boya-k yaakiny
  • noticing and using common singular pronouns for people, animals and things, such as I, he/she/it, you; for example, ngany, baal, noonook
  • noticing common plural pronouns, such as we, they; for example, baalap, ngalak
  • noticing common adjectives for size, such as koomba, nyit (big, little)
  • noticing possessive pronouns noonan (your) and nganyang (my)
  • noticing use of interrogative pronouns, question words, what, where; for example, Naatj nidja?
  • noticing simple modelled questions and statements
  • noticing words for colour, such as, red, blue, yellow (mirda, wooyan, yoont) and numbers one to five (keny, koodjal, dambart, koodjal-koodjal, maar)
  • developing an understanding of common verbs in the present tense, such as moving, playing, standing, sitting; (koorliny, waabiny, yaakiny, nyininy)
  • noticing use of common location and place affixes/suffixes and meanings, such as in, on, near, at; for example, boorn-ngat; bilya-k-ngat


Identify that, in Noongar, stories are often about journeys across Country/Place and involve landforms, animals and plants

Notice that texts, such as books, are sequenced and have a title, and that there is a connection between pictures and text


Recognise that Noongar people have their own personal relationships with animals and the environment