Initiate and participate in sustained and extended interactions with peers, the teaching team, visiting Noongar Elders and community members to exchange information about personal interests, experiences of Elders, historical events, and plans and aspirations for the future, such as caring for Country; for example, Worala walak yidjow.; Naatj baal boodja-k, kep-ak, maambakoort-ak wer djildjit, marlak-ngat, boorn-ak, dek-ngat wer worala-k yedjenaniny?; Naatj doora ngalak warn?; Yaanmen ngalak ngining?; Koora-koora naatj ngalang nyedingkal warn kaaratj boodja-k, kep-ak, boorn-ak, barna-k, djerap-ak?; Waangkan ngalang Birdiya-kadak!
Contribute ideas and suggestions in interactions related to collaborative activities, such as organising a forum, role play, festival, music or cultural event, to support and promote well-being and community development, and exchange resources and information
Use culturally appropriate norms and skills when engaging with and learning from visiting Noongar Elders and community members
Use Noongar in class activities to question, make suggestions, seek clarification, participate in reflective activities, apologise, praise or compliment one another, such as Nyoondool waangkan Birdiya Jayden-kadak kakarook warn?; Kalyakoorl koordakayin Noongar Birdiya nakolak-ngat wer waangkaniny.; Woma koordakayinyool baal moorditj bidi dalang! Winyarn! Ngany yoowart aliny doora waangkan/maar-koorl! Nadjool noonook ngining.
Analyse and evaluate ideas and information from a range of sources on a variety of topics and issues related to Noongar Country/Place, and classify into categories identifying the content, purpose and intent of the writer
Convey information, comments and perspectives on Noongar Country/Place events, experiences or topics of shared interest using different modes of presentation that consider context, achieve different purposes and suit different audiences; for example, recording a short documentary to showcase features, stories, or social and cultural events from Noongar Country, including interviews and quotes from Noongar Elders and important community people
Analyse how texts, such as stories and songs, often link to neighbouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and nations, identifying key messages, themes and performance styles, comparing personal responses to popular music and considering how these texts incorporate social commentary; for example, in performances by the Wadumbah Indigenous Dance Group, Middn Marr Dreaming dancers and Boorloo Aboriginal Cultural Experiences
Create and present or perform a range of texts that reflect cultural values, social issues or experience, such as narrations of real or imagined journeys, involving a variety of characters, places and events
Translate and interpret texts from Noongar to English and vice versa, identifying how culture-specific contexts, practices and expressions are embedded in language and explaining differences in meaning; for example, historical documents or interpretations and culturally contemporary artistic, musical or theatrical interpretations
Co-create bilingual texts to inform the wider community or a specified audience about aspects of Noongar language and culture using subtitles, captions or digital texts to showcase songs, dialogues, events and shared experiences
Consider and explain how particular policies and practices have impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ sense of identity; for example, the Stolen Generations, land loss caused by government policy contributing to language loss and separation from Country/Place, family and community
Share and discuss the role that language and culture play in the identity and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; for example, group identity expressed through flags, Welcomes and Acknowledgements to Country, Indigenous rounds in sporting leagues, wearing Indigenous designs and colours, dual language signage in public places
Investigate programs and initiatives that serve to maintain and strengthen language use; for example, Noongar school language programs, websites, databases, documentaries, recordings and archival material
Explore the importance of advocacy in supporting the maintenance and development of language and culture, including language classes within the community outside of school hours