Reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken Noongar, understanding that although Noongar and English use the same alphabet, there are different sounds in Noongar, and link these to written symbols; for example:
- vowels: a, aa, e, i, o, oo, sounds are consistently the same
- consonants: soft and hard sounds
- practise producing sounds, blowing paper or feather, feeling air near lips, up and down tongue motions, feel throat vibrating
- unfamiliar digraphs, such as
- bw – similar to bwana – bwoka
- dw – similar to twitch – dwert
- kw – similar to quiet – kwenda
- -ly – as in million
- ng – as in sing
- ny – as in onion
Reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken Noongar, understanding that although Noongar and English use the same alphabet, there are different sounds in Noongar, and link these to written symbols; for example:
- vowels: a, aa, e, i, o, oo, sounds are consistently the same
- consonants: soft and hard sounds
- practise producing sounds, blowing paper or feather, feeling air near lips, up and down tongue motions, feel throat vibrating
- unfamiliar digraphs, such as
- bw – similar to bwana – bwoka
- dw – similar to twitch – dwert
- kw – similar to quiet – kwenda
- -ly – as in million
- ng – as in sing
- ny – as in onion