Identify key features of sentence patterns with extensive support and understand basic elements of language structures, including:
- noticing and using nouns for content, such as day/night, birds, weather and uses of water
- becoming aware of word order for present tense, such as (noun, nominative pronoun, location-affix, verb); for example, Dwert baal boya-k yaakiny; Ngooni baal kep-ak yaakiny
- using common singular and plural personal pronouns for people and animals; for example, ngany, noonook, baal, baalap, ngalak (Baalap waangkaniny. Ngalak djakoorliny.)
- understanding demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that; for example, nidja, alidja, (Nidja yongka. Alidja koomba yongka!)
- understanding the use of possessive pronouns, for example, noonan (your) Naatj noonan kwerl?; and nganyang (my) Alidja nganyang dwert!
- noticing and using interrogative pronouns and question words, such as what, where, who?; for example, Naatj, Naatj baal warniny? Windji/Windja, Windji/Windja baal koorliny? Ngiyan, Ngiyan kep-ak yaakiny?
- using simple modelled questions and statements
- noticing simple adjectives as opposite pairs, such as long/short, open/closed, full/empty, fast/slow; for example, woori/woora, koorart, bardaa, didin, moorart, wirt, kert-kert, dabakarn
- noticing simple adjectives, such as good, happy (moorditj, djoorap)
- extending knowledge of colours, such as green, black, white, grey, orange, pink (nodjam, moorn, djardak, djendal, yoont-mirda, mirda-djardak)
- extending knowledge of numbers one to ten; for example, maar, maar-keny, maar-koodjal
- noticing commonly used quantifiers, such as lots, good, slowly, fast; for example, boola, moorditj, dabakarn, kert-kert
- using simple action words in present tense, such as, waangkaniny, barniny, ngaarniny, doorakiny (talking, walking, eating, drinking)
- developing an understanding of common location and place affixes/suffixes and meanings, such as in, on, near, at; for example, boorn-ngat; bilya-k-ngat; boodja-k; marlak-ngat
- noticing the use of the affix/suffix -kadak in informal conversations, for example, kooda-kadak waabiny (playing with friends)
- noticing English verb 'to be' (is, are, am, am not) is not in the Noongar language
- noticing the dual meaning of the verb nyininy; for example, Yongka baal djooraly-ak nyininy. (Kangaroo is sitting in the grass.) and Yongka baal marlak-ngat nyininy. (Kangaroo lives in the bush.)
Identify key features of sentence patterns with extensive support and understand basic elements of language structures, including:
- noticing and using nouns for content, such as day/night, birds, weather and uses of water
- becoming aware of word order for present tense, such as (noun, nominative pronoun, location-affix, verb); for example, Dwert baal boya-k yaakiny; Ngooni baal kep-ak yaakiny
- using common singular and plural personal pronouns for people and animals; for example, ngany, noonook, baal, baalap, ngalak (Baalap waangkaniny. Ngalak djakoorliny.)
- understanding demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that; for example, nidja, alidja, (Nidja yongka. Alidja koomba yongka!)
- understanding the use of possessive pronouns, for example, noonan (your) Naatj noonan kwerl?; and nganyang (my) Alidja nganyang dwert!
- noticing and using interrogative pronouns and question words, such as what, where, who?; for example, Naatj, Naatj baal warniny? Windji/Windja, Windji/Windja baal koorliny? Ngiyan, Ngiyan kep-ak yaakiny?
- using simple modelled questions and statements
- noticing simple adjectives as opposite pairs, such as long/short, open/closed, full/empty, fast/slow; for example, woori/woora, koorart, bardaa, didin, moorart, wirt, kert-kert, dabakarn
- noticing simple adjectives, such as good, happy (moorditj, djoorap)
- extending knowledge of colours, such as green, black, white, grey, orange, pink (nodjam, moorn, djardak, djendal, yoont-mirda, mirda-djardak)
- extending knowledge of numbers one to ten; for example, maar, maar-keny, maar-koodjal
- noticing commonly used quantifiers, such as lots, good, slowly, fast; for example, boola, moorditj, dabakarn, kert-kert
- using simple action words in present tense, such as, waangkaniny, barniny, ngaarniny, doorakiny (talking, walking, eating, drinking)
- developing an understanding of common location and place affixes/suffixes and meanings, such as in, on, near, at; for example, boorn-ngat; bilya-k-ngat; boodja-k; marlak-ngat
- noticing the use of the affix/suffix -kadak in informal conversations, for example, kooda-kadak waabiny (playing with friends)
- noticing English verb 'to be' (is, are, am, am not) is not in the Noongar language
- noticing the dual meaning of the verb nyininy; for example, Yongka baal djooraly-ak nyininy. (Kangaroo is sitting in the grass.) and Yongka baal marlak-ngat nyininy. (Kangaroo lives in the bush.)