

Initiate interactions with peers and teacher using Noongar language to share information and join in face-to-face conversations; for example, Kaya kooda. Windji nyin? Naatj djoorap warniny? Kaya kooda. Ngany nyin Boorloo Ngany djoorap djiba-djobaliny wer djenborl waabiny. Noonook?


Contribute collaboratively to class experiences, activities and transactions that involve asking for help, clarification and permission, solving problems and sharing decisions, such as creating a display or conducting a role play, cooking or craft activity, or Bonar seasonal festivities


Use Noongar to interact and collaborate in games, role play, conversation, surveys, sequencing pictures, matching text to pictures – for example, Windji ...? Yoowarl koorl ... Ngiyan baal wama waabiny? – and using hand signs as appropriate



Gather and compare information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts from Noongar Country/Place, historical documents and contemporary resources, such as conducting a survey and comparing families’ healthy ways of eating in the past to the present day


Gather and convey information and ideas in different formats from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts associated with Noongar Country/Place, such as the six Noongar seasons – Bonar Kambarang, Djilba, Mookaroo, Djiran, Birak, Boonaroo – including foods available and eaten by Noongar people during the six seasons, and community and daily life



Share responses to characters, events and ideas in real and imaginative texts and make connections with their own experience and feelings; for example:

  • joining in shared writing to extend sentence patterns and familiar sentences
  • planning a writing draft and sharing the draft, edits and final copy
  • locating, recording and interpreting key words and phrases, and locating key points of information
  • identifying key features in Noongar art, dance, Country
  • writing simple modelled statements to describe main characters, events, environment, people


Create and perform short imaginative texts that allow for exploration and enjoyment of Noongar language and cultural expression and performance; for example,

  • presenting own text, works of art or dance to tell a story using visual props and symbols appropriate for Noongar culture and language



Translate simple, familiar texts from Noongar to English and vice versa, noticing which Noongar words or phrases require interpretation or explanation, such as Noongar culture-specific concepts and expressions which do not translate easily into English, using visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures


Create bilingual texts for the classroom and the school community, such as brochures, posters, invitations to inform others about upcoming events



Reflect on own upbringing and experiences and consider how these impact on attitudes, family and community responsibilities



Compare ways of communicating in English and Noongar-speaking contexts, and identify ways that culture influences language use