Initiate interactions with others using Noongar language to relate experiences, express feelings, opinions and personal preferences, and hand signs as appropriate; for example, in face-to-face conversations, Noonook moorditj ka winyarn?; Ngany winyarn.; Naadjil?; Ngany bidibaba. Miyarook ngany waabaka boola boola badjedborl. Yeyi nadjool kakaloorni nganyang djena bwoka wer nookert ngoornt. Naatj nyoondool boorda warn?; Nyit!
Engage in collaborative tasks that involve solving problems and sharing decisions, such as organising displays, planning outings, conducting role play or dance, or working with and listening to Noongar Elders and community members engage with artefacts, works of art, texts and performance; for example, collaborating and working with Noongar Elders on NAIDOC activities, collecting bush tucker and cooking
Encourage cultural leaders/cultural language leaders to take a leadership role when engaging in collaborative tasks
Recognise and use Noongar to interact in all classroom activities and use rehearsed fillers in everyday conversations; for example, Alidja moorditj! Balayi alidja kaalang! Windji kep?