Year 8 English Content Descriptions - Literacy
Texts in context
Identify how texts relate to contexts
For example:
- identifying how famous advertisements and posters relate to the context in which they were created
- exploring how a popular song relates to a historical context
Interacting with others
Use interaction skills for identified purposes and situations, including when supporting or challenging the stated or implied meanings of spoken texts in presentations or discussions
For example:
- using appropriate linguistic, vocal and non-verbal protocols in a panel discussion about a social issue
- demonstrating active listening skills, such as using positive body language, rephrasing to confirm understanding, offering suitable responses and asking open questions
Analysing, interpreting, and evaluating
Analyse and evaluate the ways that language features vary according to the purpose and audience of the text, and the ways that sources and quotations are used in a text
For example:
- exploring how a persuasive text uses sources and quotations to strengthen its purpose and to appeal to a particular audience
Analyse how authors and creators use text structures to organise ideas and develop and shape meaning
For example:
- analysing how the organisation of an infographic shapes its meaning
- explaining how the structure of a webpage visually signals its hierarchy
Use comprehension strategies, such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring, to interpret and evaluate ideas when listening, reading and viewing
For example:
- participating in before, during and after reading activities, such as class discussions, completing graphic organisers and keeping a reading journal, to monitor evolving comprehension
- interpreting and evaluating the selection and composition of an image or graphic in a news or online feature article
Creating texts
Plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, organising and expanding ideas, and selecting text structures, language features, literary devices and visual features for purposes and audiences in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive and/or analytical
Plan, create, rehearse and deliver spoken and multimodal presentations for purpose and audience, selecting language features, literary devices, visual features and features of voice to suit formal or informal situations, and organising and developing ideas in texts in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive and/or analytical
Consolidate a personal handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and supports writing for extended periods in relevant required contexts
Select and vary features of digital tools to create texts for different purposes and audiences
For example:
- creating a mock sponsored social media post aimed at a particular audience
- creating a vlog that reflects the style of a specific video sharing platform